Health: Nutrition + Exercise


Nutrition + Exercise

„Proper nutrition“ + „right exercise“ = „really well“


Healthy nutrition, enough exercise and relaxation when necessary are key elements of a good development. This includes health consciousness, awareness of oneself and knowledge of personal care. The foundation for a healthy life is already laid in infancy. By modeling health-promoting behaviours, children automatically adopt some of these as they imitate them.


Children enjoy exercise and need opportunities to develop their motor skills. They absorb and process impressions from the environment through movement. Exercise and movement is therefore an important means of experience for children and should be integrated into their everyday lives. We offer the children daily opportunities to exercise inside and outside the facilities so that they can pursue their urge to move.


Our nutritional concept gives children a successful start to a health-conscious life. Within the framework of a wholefood diet rich in vital substances, we attach great importance to offering the children the greatest possible variety of healthy food. The wholefood cuisine is based on eating food in season at the time. All meals are prepared fresh each day and as naturally as possible. We offer the children, among other things, homemade bread, homemade jams, raw vegetable appetizers, soups and, twice a week, fresh grain porridge. Fruit is available if the children need a snack.

Meals, which are taken quietly at the table, are a communal experience and begin with a table saying. We attach great importance to involving the children during meals according to their age. They should find out for themselves what they like and decide for themselves what they want to eat.

Litte people‘s kitchen

Children are curious and eager to learn. Through the regularly held "ZwergenKüche", the children get to know food in its original form, participate in its processing and experience a new process of creation.

Kids Cup

In addition to the daily exercise opportunities, the KidsCup is held annually at all facilities. This community sporting event is all about teaching children the fun of exercise in an age-appropriate way. In various areas, the children compete in disciplines through play and receive recognition for their efforts. The KidsCup is accompanied by a health week, because getting enough exercise and eating healthily are two factors that have a positive impact on well-being and development.

Dental health

Dental health is also an important part of our daily educational routine. Teeth brushing is practiced once a day with musical accompaniment together with the children. We see this as purely an exercise in motor skills. The responsibility for ensuring oral hygiene lies with the parents.

"If we approach food and movement with fun, curiosity and joy, the children will do the same!“

Patricia Mose

Head of department health: nutrition + exercise

  • Advice, support and training
  • Establishing health, nutrition and exercise education
  • KidsCup

T:  06105 99661-258 (Di./Do.)

M: 0163 7810873

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